Reddit Stream 2.0
September 4, 2017 | 8 years agoToday we released Stream for Reddit 2.0. You can check it out here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/stream-for-reddit/id1215001791?mt=8
It was a medium-sized update. Most of the functionality stayed in tact, but the app got a major redesign and some new features.
- Inline images. You can now tap on most image links and it will show the image/gif below the link without punting to a web browser.
- More "live" subreddits. We added all major leagues as options to whitelist so they show up on the live tab.
- In app unread message notifications. If you receive a reply, the app shows a notification, and these replies are available in the "My Comments" tab.
- Design. Improved layout, easier to read, much simpler. Removed the account tab and stashed settings/account management in a side menu. The design was based off the new Twitter UI update a couple months ago.
Hope you can check it out! I started working on this last Monday and over the weekend while watching the first weekend slate of College Football games. It should be ready for this weekends NFL opening weekend. Hopefully some football fans organically find it this season and see its utility!